One human thought! What is hallucination? Shouldn't we always see in three dimensions? Photography without a camera.

What is Hallucination?


Dr. Leon Harmond Phd

 When human beings are possessed of what science has called hallucinations they are considered insane. Other "diagnoses" that come to mind are mentally unstable, crazy, incompetant, loony, freaky, etc. These derogatory terms suggest the closed minded attitudes of a society that values the maintenance of the status quo far above true progress. The world we live in seems utterly incapable of acknowledging the clues to perceptual evolution provided by those we call crazy. By studying the process of hallucination we are offered a doorway into a form of communication that supersedes language. Until now, hallucinations were thought to be the result of chemical imbalances or overactive imaginations. Again we see the denigration of those who are different, at the expense of truly understanding how these advanced beings can teach us to better our lives. In this paper I intend to explain what we have discovered at Norwood Funk Laboratories, and how our discoveries offer groundbreaking insights into the nature of perception and communication. Before I specifically address our recent findings, however, I would like to address the prejudices that may make it difficult for some to fully understand our research.

At this point Norwood Funk Labs is well known for it's research in the realm of perceptual phenomenology. We have established that objects are little more than the light they emit. We have established that when viewing a photograph or film the only thing that stops an individual from existing in that space is their own consciousness. As soon as one is able to believe that they can enter the framed image, the part of the brain commonly referred to as the imagination, takes over. Once the imagination takes over, all of the gaps are filled in. A postcard of the beach on a Greek island will take you to that island, you only need to believe it will. The scientific community commonly dismisses any system of thought that references the concepts of faith and belief. Such concepts are not considered scientific. Belief does not effect sight. Belief does not effect smell. Belief does not effect the world around you. Many individuals, particularly in the psychiatric field (of all places), have expressed these foolish arguments to me. These fatuous arguments place too little value on the abilities of the human mind and the world that all men can and do create for themselves every day.

It is our belief ( and for the time being it can only be a belief) that every man on this planet experiences the world completely differently. Standardized language makes it impossible for us to prove this hypothesis, but our hypothesis stands. Let me now explain how this could be.

We can safely say that, barring certain perceptual disorders in the brain, all men can identify a square as a square, and that a green square will be identified as a green square. Or can we? Suppose when a person uses the movements of the hand when drawing that we recognize as forming a square, what they see in their mind looks like what you recognize as a circle. There is no way for us to know what their mind sees. Suppose that when a person sees and identifies what you see as green the color in their mind is what you identify as blue. Everytime that person sees your circle in their mind they will identify it as a square, and will move their arm in the shape of a square when drawing. When this person sees in their mind what you would call blue they will always identify it as green. Here we see the limitations of our current system of communication. In my opinion this makes for an extremely problematic mode of discourse. What disturbs me most is the fact that the few individuals who are championing improved modes of discourse are being medicated and locked away in institutions.

Those who "suffer" from what we call hallucinations only suffer because of the disparity that exists between what their mind is trying to do, and what those around them say is possible. Here at Norwood Funk labs, we have developed a means of testing the subtle light patterns emanating from those who suffer from hallucinations. Through these experiments we have come to the conclusion that those who hallucinate are not actually viewing patterns of light that come from outside their minds, but are in fact transmitting light information from their eyes. This light is then reflected back to the retina. Most individuals through there acceptance of the concepts of modern science have developed a wall around themselves. It is our hypothesis that these walls are more than metaphor. These walls are actual light patterns built up around the human body which reflect back the light projected toward them from those who are supposedly hallucinating.

In the illustration provided you can see the state of our research currently. We have observed the attempt of one caucasian male to transmit thoughts using his eyes. Like most receivers, with a little bit of work, eyes can be made into transmitters. As transmitters, the eyes are able to directly convey thought from one human to another.
We expect to find that the rays of light emanating from the subjects eyes consist of a string of Yellow Carrier Balls (YCBs) that have passed out of the eye through the Green Radiant (GR) behind the retina. This theory becomes somewhat problematic because of the sheer volume of YCBs that would have to be emanating from the subjects eyes. It seems that we are finding clues to additional light processes inside the head. Should this theory prove true though, we believe this represents a means for humans to literally exchange ideas. Using this newfound ability, we can rid our selves of our current language system and all of it's attendant misunderstandings.

The magnitude of this discovery is only beginning to be felt. What we are seeing in these developing studies is the birth of an understanding of light as biological material.
Previously we have seen that light inside of the human head is processed by light organs which then form human thoughts. Now we see that the body uses that light in ways that extend far beyond the mystical processes of the mind. Light is the material that makes up an organ of the human body that can interact with the organs of other bodies.

For lack of a better description I would explain this phenomenon as light forming the brain's external anatomical proxy. Some humans use this proxy as a shield whereas others use it as a mode of communication. The saddest element of this structure is the fact that the communicators are in the minority. Furthermore, the defensive sheild-makers are not only in the majority, but they are so oblivious to the attempts made by those around them to communicate, that they isolate and incarcerate them. It seems these individuals are afraid to face the level of communication possible by accepting this new mode of communication.

We are well aware of the problems which accompany any switch in modes of communication. All one has to do is look at the way that American society has been eased into the proliferation of computers, television, and cd-players to see that these things do not happen over night. What will happen in our world when we realize that Joe's square is Mary's circle, and Francesca's blue is Charles' orange? All of our paradigms will shift. This is not something we human s can adjust to quickly. Such changes involve alterations in anatomy as well as thought. Though thought is the foundation upon which the anatomical shift is built.

Consider this paper a warning shot across the bow of spaceship earth . It is time we started adjusting ourselves to the changes facing us. Now that we understand d our hidden anatomical traits, w e must decide. Will we continue to live defensively? Will we be happy to continue our days communicating only bits and pieces of our lives? O r will we make the next bold step into the future? Can we adjust our minds to the changes we are about to face? I can tell you that all of us at Norwood Funk Laboratories have made our decision. With one voice we all demand that the human race continue it's evolution. Now it is time for you to make your decision.

1 For a full description of the function of the YCB and GR refer to "Light and the Human Head", N. Funk, 1996 Norwood Funk Laboratories .

2 "Light and the Human Head", N. Funk