What is it? Images The discovery

see the original photographs as part of the Norwood Funk Museum



Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998

To: the internet


Subject: digital separations

To all that have been following the developments of the kirlian photography page, I would like to apologize for the delay that has occurred in providing the images you see above. Over the past few months, I have been scanning the oversized kirlian photograph, and then programmatically separating out specific RGB color values to create digitally approximate representations of the three faces contained in the single photo. You will notice that each digital separation has a corresponding drawn image. Surprisingly, the drawn images below each kirlian separation were made before the kirlian photo was taken. The images are from a series of drawings done by one (or more) of Norwood's alters known as either "the forgetter" or "the historian".

The comparison of these images are startling. Not only are the images obviously representative of the same faces, but I am personally shocked that the faces in the kirlian photograph are even posed almost exactly the same as in the drawings. I am not sure what I believe about kirlian photography, but I am certain that something of the essence of Norwood has been revealed by this photograph.

I should also mention that Norwood and Dr. Harmond are very resistant in therapy and will not acknowledge or even comment on their representations in the kirlian photographs. This resistance is in addition to their preexisting discomfort around the topic of "the forgetter" and "the historian". In the interest of Norwood's continued therapy, Dr. Socak has requested that I not allow the digital separations to "enter" the lab. Dr. Socak and I are as curious as anyone else to find out what Leandra's reading of the separated images will be. Leandra's interpretations are always revealing vis a vis the psychological positions occupied by each of the personalities. It is Dr. Socak's concern that these separations would foster Norwood's embrace of marginal ideologies, and would perhaps further confirm for him the "real" status of the many pieces of his fragmented system.





see the original photographs as part of the Norwood Funk Museum