art{}science | factfiction
objectivity××subjectivity | <<letters>>
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Maybe he'll do something on-line?
I think you should also understand that Norwood isn't interested in dimensionality.
Norwood is interested in reality. Norwood's also easily duped by dime store
magic tricks like photography. If you want to talk to someone about three
dimensionality, I think I'm the person you should talk to. My concerns are
with reality but with a specialization in dimensionality. I agree with Norwood
about light being what makes things real "seeing IS believing".
It's just that Norwood stopped his research when he figured out how the
photograph works. He thinks that because the camera captures actual light
from the world, it is also capturing real places. He's always trying to
grab pictures of things like they're really there. I mean, that's just stupid.
>Norwood, perhaps, might be the
>truest form of participant, not as interested in the ftf, the physical
>networking, that appears to be so important to the others.
Norwood is in fact our usual representative out in the world. He's the one
trying to get people to support the lab. That's why I'm so pissed off at
him. I've noticed that support for the lab has been declining, and I think
it is directly related to the old tired crap he's presenting to people.
My friend LeE has put up a web site for some of us here at the lab. You
should take a look there. Right now I only have a brief e-mail correspondence
with Dr. Socak on the site, but it will give you a better idea of where
I'm coming from.
My address is:
Professor Franklin