One human thought! What is hallucination? Shouldn't we always see in three dimensions? Photography without a camera.

: as it Relates to the Diagnosis and Treatment of SaLTFil and Related Illnesses




    1. Patients suffering from SaLTFil frequently have such an overabundance of light and thus thoughts in their brains, that they begin to feel that all things which emit light are tactile. In fact the experience of light becomes a tactile as opposed to a visual experience. One SaLTFil sufferer was described thus: "His vision is so untrained that he does not seem to distinguish between an object that is painted and one that is in relief, and he will try as readily to seize one as the other."
    2. Hallucinations are frequently suffered by patients with excessive light activity in their brains. For further explanation see my article "What is Hallucination?".
    3. Both of these questions refer to the effects that sunlight has on brain activity. Almost all SaLTFil patients respond most extremely to sunlight. Because of the broad spectrum of light that it provides, SaLTFil patients are experience not only an increase in unfiltered thought processes, but also an increase in the variety of thought processes which enter the brain. This effects the patients ability to stay on track during a conversation, as well as their ability to develop a thought beyond it's initial formative stages.
    4. Patients suffering from SaLTFil frequently cannot tell one color from another. Their understanding of color is generally referenced to a constantly changing internal world. The ability to identify color is frequently, very strongly tied to the patient's exposure to sunlight.
    5. At times of particular crisis SaLTFil sufferers will enter a hypnotic state caused by the flickerings of light which effect their bodies. The effect on the body is much like the effect of external strobing lights on an epileptic. The hypnotic state however is rarely as harmful to the patient as the seizure state experienced by the epileptic. The patient simply awakens from their trance with no memory of how they got there.
    6. It seems that the light elements not filtered by the PCR,YCB, and GR in a SaLTFil patient find nontraditional ways of exiting the body. Electrical impulses from the patient repeatedly interfere with the operation of video and audio equipment. In some extreme cases patients are unable to watch television, because of their effect on the apparatus.
    7. The effects of the extreme and violent dispersal of light in the patient's head frequently causes a sense of imbalance which is focused behind the skull. Frequently the best word that a patient can use to describe their symptoms is "headache", however when questioned further the patient will reveal that the sensation is not similar to what they would normally refer to as pain.
    8. Again I refer you to my article "What is Hallucination?". Just as SaLTFil patients transmit their thoughts in the form of light, they become sensitive to the subtle ways that healthy individuals unconsciously transmit their thoughts.
    9. & 10. These particular phenomena have yet to be explained in a satisfactory manner, but the prevalence of this experience among the SaLTFil patients that we have interviewed has been too great to ignore.


1. Introduction

2. The Normal Thought Function

3. The Abnormal Mind

4. The Diagnosis and Treatment of SaLTFil

5. The SaLTFil Questionnaire

6. Reading the SaLTFil Questionnaire